1 Determine a threshold of loss for yourself, and if you cross it stop playing immediately.

2 Set aside a certain amount of playing time and be careful not to go over your self-imposed limit. This may also help you to improve the quality of your family life.

3 Don’t play when you’re tired, upset or under the influence of any substance, licit or illicit.

4 Spend a few minutes observing the table at which you are going to play. This will give you precious clues about your opponents.

If you lose during your session:

5 Don’t play at a limit higher than your own. You’re more likely to lose everything than to recover your losses.

6 Never make a loss against someone into a personal issue. Trying to beat a specific player is the quickest way to lose against everyone.

7 Don’t play more hands just to catch up. Staying with your usual selection will help you in the long run.

8 Think about the instances where you negotiated badly and try to understand how you could have done better.

9 Check to see what your percentage of important wins was. If you are often below 65%, rethink your game.

10 Be objective with yourself, neither too easy nor too hard. Was it an unlucky evening or did you play badly?